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WuDang GongFu Academy
Admissions Guide for Wudang Kungfu Academy: Wudang Kungfu Museum is located in the 5A scenic spot of Wudang Mountain surrounded by mysterious and wonderful...
本届武术大赛特邀中国当代太极名家,中国东武太极研修院院长,中国陈式太极拳第十二代传人,中国国家武术段位制教程陈式太极拳创编者之一张东武先生为总裁判长 特邀中国北京体育大学武术教研室教师和技体校武术教练,国际武术联合会技术委员会委员,北京奥运会武术比赛散打裁判的副总才判长,国际武术A级裁判员, 中国武术8段 韩劲松为副总裁判长,特邀自幼随父亲少林寺第三十世还俗武僧素法大师习武,少林寺方丈素喜法师和著名螳螂拳名家李占元先生的得意门徒中国武术七段,全国九节鞭、少林拳、陈氏太极拳、太极剑长胜冠军,河南电视台《健康中原》太极教学片特聘专家,现任少林武术学院副总教练,少林拳研究会理事,温县陈氏太极拳研究会副秘书长徐勤兰老师为裁判长。。 来自澳大利亚武术太极气功协会原主席Su Rule和 Tong Low澳大利亚首届国际武术界仲裁委员会主任和副主任,特聘来自香港的内家拳国际裁判LAM, Yuk Chun和WTQA国际裁判Tara Brayshaw为裁判
2019Martial arts competition
Special Awards for this Australia International Martial Arts Festival: To promote the Chinese martial arts, the organizers will join hands with the quintessence of...
2019 Openning ceremony of the 2nd International Wushu Festival in Australia
Australia’s 2nd International Wushu Festival kicked off with the grand opening of the International Wushu Theory Seminar on August 30, 2019. The abundance...