Qinlan Xu
Master Xu Qinlan, Technical Director of AWCC, was a converted disciple of the 31st Shaolin Temple.
Director of Henan Shaolin Boxing Research Association, Executive Director of Henan Chen Style Taijiquan Association, Honorary Dean of Zhang Dongwu Taiji Academy of France, currently Executive Deputy Dean of Henan Tobu Taijiquan Training Institute, General Manager of Henan Dong Wu Taiji Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Xu Qinlan started to practice martial arts with his father, Shaolin monk, master Sufa since he was six years old. Later, he worshipped under Master Suxi, the 30th abbot of Shaolin Temple, and gave the name Dejiao. , Its boxing frame is neat and beautiful, chic and handsome; when it is soft, it is like a weak willow to help the wind, when it is just like a thunder and gale; it shows the charm of Tai Chi between movement and static. The nine-section whip of Tai Chi, Yunshui Tai Chi fan, Chen-style Tai Chi sword and Wudang sword, which he is good at, are praised by martial artists for their magnificence and beauty. In 1990, Mr. Xu Qinlan graduated from the Wushu Academy of Henan University with the first prize in the pentathlon. In the same year, he visited the former Soviet Union with the Shaolin Temple Performing Group, and then taught in Xinjiang, Xi’an, Northeast, Jiangsu, Shandong and other places with his father Master Sufa. Over the years, she has not only won gold and silver in domestic and foreign martial arts competitions.
In 2016, she won the first place in four events and won the all-around first in the 14th Hong Kong International Martial Arts Competition. In 2017, she won the Tai Chi Sword at the 7th World Traditional Martial Arts Championships. First place; in 2018, the 15th National Martial Arts Township Routine Competition won the first place in Tai Chi Sword; 2018 Henan Province National Games won the first place in Tai Chi. More than 1,000 students have won gold medals in national and international martial arts competitions at all levels. In 2010, the Chen-style Tai Chi sword he practiced was included in the large-scale TV instructional film “China Musashi” approved by the Chinese Wushu Association and supervised by the Wushu Research Institute of the State Sports General Administration. The “Healthy Central Plains” column of Henan TV news channel catalogues and continuously broadcasts “Chen’s Taiji Single Sword”, “46-style Yunshui Taiji Fan” and “Wudang Sword” by Xu Qinlan’s drill and professor, which are popular among fans. The Thirteen Passes of Shaolin Temple Guardian Sparring, The Secrets of Shaolin Medicine, The Shaolin Master Boxing Sparring, and The Secrets of Shaolin Protective Weapon, edited by him, have become the classic series of martial arts.
- Master Xu【 Chen Style 18 forms】
A set of high-quality electronic teaching books that step into the great beauty of Tai...
$70.00 - 【徐勤蘭挽花精講】中英文字幕版
導師介紹: 徐勤蘭(Qin Lan Xu),中國武術七段、少林寺三十一世皈依弟子。現任鄭州東武太極研修院常務副院長、河南東武太極文化傳播有限公司總經理、河南少林拳研究會理事、山東魯南少林武術院副總教練、溫縣陳氏太極拳研究會副秘書長、河南省陳氏太極拳協會常務理事、法國張東武太極學院名譽院長、澳大利亞東武太極聯盟藝術總監 挽花課程簡介 太極劍花·徐勤蘭,帶您玩轉太極挽花 挽花,是太極劍招式套路中非常重要的一個基本功。本期課程將由太極劍花徐勤蘭老師,爲大家由淺入深講解太極劍挽花各種招式套路。帶領各位拳友從入門到精通,輕松掌握太極劍挽花。揭開挽花的神秘面紗,讓人人都能舞出優雅漂亮的太極劍。 本期課程包含以下章節: 1.單手前挽花 2.單手後挽花 3.單手左右前挽花 4.單手左右後挽花...
$78.00 - 徐勤蘭【精要十八式】中英文字幕全套版,帶你步入大美太極神秘殿堂
一套步入大美太極殿堂的上乘电子教課書! 本課程是太極名家徐勤蘭老師對陳式太極拳精要十八式的每一個具體招式的詳細講解,拳理拳法內勁所在的秘笈示範,以及優美步伐的反复演示。淺顯易懂,循序漸進。是太極初學者的福音! 怎樣打拳快速入門?如何脫去打拳像做操?內勁內力如何運用?身形功架如何端莊大氣?看七歲皈依少林寺弟子的太極名家徐勤蘭的親授課程,沒有一句鼓弄虛玄的贅話,句句乾貨,招招秘笈,帶你步入大美太極神秘殿堂。 本課程是在徐勤蘭老師為澳東太極學員六次封城長達286天的艱辛之時公益送播的六次遠程親授課的基礎上: 由世界太極網絡視頻賽三項全金的學員勤麗影(阿美)逐句摘錄整理, 由第十六屆世界武術武術全能冠軍Wendy老師根據拳理拳法的應用翻譯成簡明易懂的英文, 由澳東西人老學員Alison Rennick和定居澳洲30多年的華僑義工學員Grace Guo對照視頻根據澳洲西人口語習俗逐字逐句的推敲斟酌較對修改, 由第二届澳大利亚武术节全能冠军姜鑫燕(燕子)和Wendy親自製作而成。 所以,這是一部前所未有的有太極內行人製作的太極教學片。 徐勤蘭老師的開播演講語: 澳大利亞東武太極聯盟的全體學員大家好!今天我們利用這個線上平台,為大家提供一套簡短易學的一個太極小套路:陳式太極拳精要18式。這是陳正雷老師創編的,在老架一路的基礎上,挑選其中的經典動作創編而成。這套路,舒展大方,簡單易學,特別適應我們初學者來練習,它沒有重複的動作,像老架一路重複動比較多,對於年長者就不容易記住。所以,精要18式的教學是非常好。希望能夠給初學太極的澳洲太極愛好者帶來幫助
$70.00 - Xu QinLan Hand Spinnng of Tai Chi Sword
Instructor introduction: Master Xu Qinlan The thirty-first converted disciple of Shaolin Temple.Chinese Wushu 7th dan,...
$78.00 - 陈式太极剑精编套路
8课时12小时陈式太极剑精编套路(表演比赛专用) 陈式太极剑简介: 陈式太极剑是陈式太极拳套路中短器械的一种。套路布局合理,衔接紧凑,剑法清晰,以刺、劈、撩、挂、点、抹、推、化等剑法,并结合陈式太极拳舒展大方的身法,灵活稳健的步法,以忽刚忽柔,忽隐忽现、沾粘连随、腾闪折空的变化,真正体现陈式太极剑以身运剑,连绵不断,快慢相间的特点。 徐勤兰老师东武太极研修院院长,中国武术七段,世界传统武术锦标赛冠军。全身心致力于太极拳传播发展多年,所培养的学员成绩斐然,屡次在国际大赛中摘金夺银,成为武术赛场上的明星。 本次培训期间徐勤兰老师传授陈式太极剑是结合自己四十年来对传统武术的研习、总结,将陈式太极剑经典动作完美融合,从新编排而成独具特色的武术健身套路,使其成为集武术、健身、表演、艺术于一体的精彩套路。徐老师将在讲解教学及规范动作的同时,将额外针对套路练习中的精、气、神的掌握。大幅提高演练水平。
$60.00 - Chen-style Tai Chi sword fine-knitting routine
for performance competition
8 lessons 720 MinsChen-style Tai Chi sword fine-knitting routine (for performance competition) Classes start on August 30, 2020,...
$60.00 - 46 yunshui Tai Chi Fan
8 lessons:640mins
Intermediate ClassFrom May 17, -July 5, 2020,8 courses in total, 1.20 hours each time To all...