张少林/ShaoLin Zhang
- Posted by 13611851648
- Date July 24, 2020
Shaolin Zhang
the seventh generation of Shaohan Buddhism, French No.: Shi Yonglin,
AWCC martial arts festival invited instructor & International referee.
Famous Buddhist and Buddhist Masters – Shaolin Buddha, Shaolin Temple Professor Traditional Routine, Shaolin Buddha Hanquan’s Iron Palm Power, is the home-watching punch of the high-level cultivation of the Daoguang Period of the Qing Dynasty, hard work . Broken bricks, such as mud, and the amazing hard QiQong of holding the egg inbroken are staggering.
武林才俊 佛汉名家——少林佛汉拳第七代传人,AWCC 武术节特聘专家,国际裁判长。
法号 :释永林,少林寺教授传统套路,少林佛汉拳的铁掌功,是清末道光年间高僧修炼的看家拳,硬功夫。断砖如削泥,手握鸡蛋断大理石的惊人硬功表演让人乍舌。